Project Information
In 2020, OCM prepared an EIAR in support of a planning application for the Bord na Móna Recycling Ltd Materials Recovery Facility at Portlaoise, County Laois. The application was to allow the continued operation of the facility and planning permission was granted.
In 2022, OCM prepared EIARs in support of planning applications for;
- Starrus Eco Holdings Ltd Waste Plastic and Can Recycling Plant in Portlaoise, County Laois with an annual processing capacity of 35,000 tonnes. Planning permission was granted.
- Starrus Eco Holdings Ltd Materials Recovery Facility in Cappagh Road, Finglas. This is a Strategic Infrastructure Development.
- Aston Ltd 606 unit residential development in Newbridge, County Kildare. This is a Strategic Housing Development.
OCM also advises Planning Authorities on the Land & Geology and Water aspects of EIARs submitted with planning application.